S1E9: Aortic Dissection in rural Liberia - Global Health

This month, TheCase.Report is going global!

Callum and Jimmy join Mohammed to discuss a fascinating case with some broad differentials to consider. Callum takes us through the first successful management of Type A Aortic Dissection in the country. Callum has published this as a case report in the BMJ so you can check it out here.

Our Adult in the Room Dr. Jean O'Sullivan weighs in with her take on the case.

Jimmy and Callum catch up with Hessou, an incredibly impressive friend and colleague of theirs from JFK Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia. Mohammed digs into Jimmy and Niamh's experiences of out of programme humanitarian work while Callum catches up again with Dr. Jean O'Sullivan about her experience of working in LMICs.

Lots to cover this month.

Let's get to it!

Aortic Dissection


Aortic Dissection.png
Screenshot 2020-11-08 at 16.43.46.png



  • Hypotension (hypovolaemic, cardiac failure or neurogenic)

  • Haemopericardium (pulsus paradoxus, faint or absent heart sounds, distended neck veins, shock)

  • >20mmHg difference in blood pressure between arms

  • Central “tearing/ ripping” chest pain

    • Sometimes intrascapular pain

  • Back pain

  • Migration of pain depending on direction of tear

  • Risk Factors: Marfan’s Syndrome, Hypertension,

  • Syncope

  • Stroke


Chest X-ray


  • Widened mediastinum

  • Small left pleural effusion

  • Double shadow on aortic knuckle

  • Intimal calcification separated more than 6mm from the edge

  • Cardiomegaly (pericardial effusion)

  • Non-specific ST and T-wave changes

  • Ischaemic changes

  • May be normal

Echo… There’s always a role for the probe

  • Dilated aortic

  • Aortic regurgitation

  • Aortic dissection flap

  • Pericardial effusion

CT Thorax

Screenshot 2020-11-08 at 17.56.01.png



S1E10: Acute Heart Failure - Cardiology


S1E8: Bonus: Preparation is Key