Mohammed Hamza Mohammed Hamza

S1E3: Upper GI Bleed

If you’re a denizen of med twitter like us, then your world will have been rocked by the HALT-IT trial results too…

But it’s important to remember that there’s more to upper GI bleeding than TXA!

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Mohammed Hamza Mohammed Hamza

S1E2: TCA overdose

Welcome back to TheCase.Report! We’re delighted to have you with us for the June 2020 edition.
This month, it’s all about Tox!
For our case this month, Barry, Hugh, and Mohammed will take us through a challenging scenario.

Long story short, myocardial tickles are no laughing matter!

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Admin User Admin User

S1E1: Covid-19

Thank you all for joining us for our very first episode of TheCase.Report! We’re delighted to have you with us as we set off on this very exciting journey!

This month we’ll be looking at (what else!) COVID-19.

For our first segment, @MoHamza89, @KarlKavanagh and @drsafras will be going through a case and discussing the issues it raises.Our adult in the room this month @cianmcdermott will check our work after!

Then we’ll be joined by @DrDaraByrne, who’ll help us think about simulation, and it’s varied uses during this pandemic.

@UnaUnak will talk to us about wellness in EM and will share some great tips for looking after ourselves and each other.

Sources & resources will be linked in-line for the case material. Sim & Wellness resources all the way at the end!

Let’s get to it!

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Admin User Admin User

Time 0 - This is TheCase.Report

From IEMTA, TheCase.Report is a new Emergency Medicine podcast, focussing on clinical challenges, and putting a spotlight on issues important to the specialty, and to all of us as EM providers.

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